Guest post by National Luna PART2: How much power does a camping fridge use at different temperature settings? In last month’s blog, we looked at how ambient temperatures affect your camping fridge’s power consumption. We did this by comparing the energy efficiency of...
Guest post by National Luna PART 1 Knowing how much power your camping fridge uses is an important step in knowing how much battery energy you need. It also helps when calculating your required solar-panel size. While several factors affect your fridge’s energy use,...
QUESTION: How much solar power do I need for camping? Answer supplied by National Luna. Click here to view National Luna’s range of solar-ready products. To answer this question you first need to know: How much energy are you using on a daily basis?How much time...
BROUGHT TO YOU BY NATIONAL LUNA Is a 40 amp DC-DC charger better than a 25 amp unit? Not necessarily. National Luna explains why… QUESTION I’ve got my heart set on a DC-DC setup, purely because I like the ease at which solar power can be added to the...
Brought to you by National Luna Whether you’re a weekend camper or long-haul overlander, there’s no denying the convenience of a solar setup. Aside from having free energy to power your camping fridge, a solar panel can also be used to maintain your auxiliary battery...